diumenge, 25 de novembre del 2012

The major of San Fernando finishes his strike of hunger

For 7 days, the mayor of "San Fernando de Henares", Julio Setién has been in a strike of hunger, because he doesn't want the embargoes of 130 flats. These flats belong to 200 families.

Finally, Julio Seitén has finished this strike because the three parts (Bankia, the promotion company and 2 builders.
The mayor denounced that they did it all out of sheer Self-interests.

So, the mayor won the game.

strike of hunger: vaga de fam
embargoes: embargaments
denounce: denunciar


120 persons died, and 100 injured in a fire in a textile factory in Bangladesh

El Periodico - Sunday, 25 November 2012

The newspaper "the Deily Star" that the fire in a textile factory with eight floors.
The factory is "Tazreen Fashion", near Dacca, the capital of Bangladesh.
This fire is one of the worst in this country, althoug no the only fire with more than 100 deads.
The factory had a emergency door but nobody knowed where it was.
The reason is a cut electricity.

injured: ferid o lesionat
textile factory: fabrica tèxtil
cut electricity: tallacircuit

Suicides grow in Greece in a 37%

El Periodico - Thursday, 22 November 2012

The number of suicides in Greece have an increase of 37% between 2009 and 2011.
They had 677 suicides in 2009, (this year began the economic crisi), 830 in 2010, 927 in 2011 and 690 the firsts eight months in 2012.
This country had the tax of suicidis low month but now it isn't so.

There are many factors: social, professional, familiar and individual.
The clinic psychologist "Aris violatzis" says that the crisis helps to develop everything type of problems of salut.

Nowadays, people lives in a negative environment.

This expert man thinks that these are more suicidis, but this terme is very taboo, the Ortodox Church.

increase: augmentar
environment: medi ambient
taboo: cosa prohibida

The tunnel of the wind opens today to the big public and it is almost all full until june 2013

Hora Nova - 19/11/2012

After many years of projections and negotiations, the tunnel of the wind is a reality.

The finality is double. A 30% of the flights hours will be reserved to the people who wants prove.
The experience and 70% will be destinated to trainings of parachutists.

One hour in the tunnel is like 60 jumps from the plane.
The official name is: Windour Real Fly Túnel de vent d'Empuriabrava.
His director is Joan Baldrich.
60.000 persons every year can prove it.

negotations: negociacions
parachutists: paracaigudistes
trainings: capacitacions

Figueres ask for 739.431€ in the help for the fire althoug the fire hadn't arrived to the city

Diari de Girona
Girona - Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Figueres has asked for more that the half of money than the villages burned in l'Emporda the last july.
The council says that in Figueres look as last 739.431'71€. It is because a pipes had burst. This hasn't happened  for the fire directly, but the flames showned, that these pipes were deteriorated for the high temperatures and they are in need of repair.

So, Figueres needs 26.000€ for this pipes, and 700.000 for a new construction called "Bypass" (water network).
The other villages really burred are angry. These villages (la Jonquera, Terrades, Agullana ...) slost 13.000ha in the fire. The Agullana's mayor says that the Figueres council hasn't solidarity. His village was destroyed by fire in 60%, La Jonquera in 90% and Figueres 0%.

The airport grow in the flyes and win passagers (10'4% more than june 2011)

Diari de Girona
Girona - Thurday, 12 July 2012

This is a good new for the airport of Girona and it is praiseworthy because the passagers in the rest of airports in Spain have dropped 1'3%.
It is happened because Ryanair has again more flies from Girona.
During twenty months the passagers had dropped but Ryainair signed a new agreement with the "Generalitat" the last may.
So, Ryanair began to fly to Madrid, Barajas again (this flight was one of the best), but the internationals flies that have begun to hly again, are the most importants in number of passagers (90%).

praiseworthy: tenir mèrit
agreement: conveni
drop: caigut

My joke

Yesterday, in the english classroom was very funny. Because teacher said our that we searched a joke and then we explained it in the class.

Tiziana start with her joke and after Homa so all people of my class explained his joke.

In my view any joke destacated but all jokes was funny or a little funny.

My joke was a little funny. When I had my turn I didn't know what joke I explained, because I had two jokes.

My first joke for tried was this: 

- Mum, mum, in school everybody tells me that I'm confused!
- Hey, kid, this is not your house... you live opposite the street!

And my second joke was this:

A man walks into a bar one day and asks:
- Does anyone here own that rottweiler outside?
- Yeah, I do!- a biker says, standing up. - What about it?
- Well, I think my chihuahua just killed him...
- What are you talking about?- the biker says, disbelievingly. - How could your little runt kill my rottweiler?
- Well, it seems he got stuck in your dog's throat!

Finally I tried for the second joke because my first joke Homa explaines before me the same joke.
For that reason I explained to my friends the second joke. This joke is very curious in the first moment and last people laught a lot.

I hope that you like it!

"We can't life without humour"

Why even the most serious persons finishes by laughing once in their live?

The humour always stay with us. It's into our person, it stays into our body forever life.

All people laugh at minium one time in their life. It's imposible that one person never laughs in his life. 

Even the most serious person in the world finally laughs some times for anything.

Some people work with humour. For example: clowns, in TV programmes, etc.

The humour is healthy and funny. Namely it's good.
Thanks that, we are more positives and we do all things more good.

In conclusion, the humour is a turth friend in our life.

My favourite sport

My favourite sport is rhythmic gymnastics, because I have done this sport since I was 10 years old. To me it is a very elegant and physical sport. I have done it since I was 6 years old. And this year I'm finishing because I think that I'm very old to do it. I'm finishing very happily and I meet it, but now I am going to start new things.

Another favourite sport for me is football because in my house football is the best sport. It is very competitive and hurt. 
My brother plays football a lot in the house, with a group in the school and with his team. My boyfriend plays football too. My dad likes football but he never plays it. My mother has always liked football. When she was little, she went with my grandfather to the Camp Nou.

These are my favourite sports at the moment.

Dreams are magic

Do you believe that the dreams become reality? Do you think they are moments you have lived in the past?
I think so.

There are too dreams about moments you should like to live.
Really, the world of the dreams is very stranger.
A lot of them, are a mix between things you have made, people you have known and desires you have in your life. 

Some nights you dream, anothers nights no. Why? I don't know.

When I dream I can live wonderful moments and another terrorifics. I like when in my dreams I'm flying and so I can see all over. I like too when I'm running very fast and nobody can catch me.
It's fantastic. It looks like real. But, what's the mean of the dreams?
Many people have written books about this, but I'm not sure that it's true.

I prefer think that the dreams are a magic reality.

dimecres, 7 de novembre del 2012

My dream

Hi Elisabet!

My name is Èlia Carreras López. I'm 16 years old. In December, I will be 17. I'm lucky because I have a fantastic family. My parents, my brother and my sweet cat, Kitty.

I'm studing 2nd of batxillerat in Castelló d'Empúries, althoug I'm living in Empuriabrava. I've tried to study it because I have a dram. "I want to a be vet". 

Now I know that this tearm I'm going to fight a lot and to study hard because I would like study veterinary science in the University of Barcelona. The acces note is very high. Really, it's difficult!, I know, but I will put my best effort to earn good grades. I think: "Don't give up on myself".

For me to study vet is my dream. I love animals.

When I was child I had no animals in my house but I loved them and I was always with animals around me.

If this dream is impossible in the first time I would like to have a second chance, but I would like that my dream can be a reality. I won't refuse to give up my dream.

So I will have one challenge in the future, I would like become a vet.

"No one's written my destiny for me" so I will fight for my dream!

And you? Do you fight for your dream?

dissabte, 6 d’octubre del 2012

Summer 2012

This summer is fantastic.

I’m going everywhere. Especially to the sea, because my father has a boat. This boat is bigger than the other one. My family and I sleep on the beach a lot. It's a good experience for us.

In the coves I have a lot of friends.

In July I got my boating licence. I wanted it because this summer I want steer a jetski and a boat. The jetski is much easier than the boat. Today, for example I went out to sea with my best friend and my boyfriend. We're very happy!

When I finished studying I started working. I work with horses at a horse-riding school. I like my work, because I love animals and horses. It isn't boring.

This summer, like every summer I go to the beach or swimming pool and I go to parties too.
I meet with my friends but less this summer because I’m working.

This year, 2012 is the best at the moment but next year, 2013 will be better. 

dimecres, 6 de juny del 2012

Conclusions of the year

This year is special for me because I learnt English very well. I think that in this course I learnt a lot than the others courses. In E.S.O I didn’t learn English, the teacher taught the introduction of English. But for me these four years is a lot of time to only study the introduction.

I worked a lot during this course. I had many projects, exams, writings and I read many books.

I think that the best activity in this subject is the speaking because the people learnt more than others activities and it is a lot of fun. I hate one activity because I didn’t learn anything, this activity is one part of the presentations, the part of see our school friends because each person has a different level toother people and sometimes they didn’t understand their oral presentations.

I hope that all the activities of this course will be there next year in second of batxillerat because all the activities have been very necessary to learn English.

One problem of this course is who Milco’s off sick because she had an accident and more time we didn’t work correctly but after we recoup the lost time.

I’m very happy of this English’s course because I know that I learnt a lot and I’m feel so good with my work.

divendres, 1 de juny del 2012

Describing places

I've chosen Lodon because the last summer I went there.

London is the capital of England and the capital of Great Britain. 
London is one of the most important cities in the world and this country is possibly one of the best know in the world. 

London is a great point of culture and shopping. A lot of people from around the world go to London to study. 
The most important universities in U.K. is the Oxford University and the Cmbridge University. London is very famous for its parks (Hyde park, Green park, St.James park, Kensington Gardens,...) too. 
The biggest river in London is the River Thomes, it goes through th heart of London. In the river there is an attraction. This attraction called London eye is very famous . It overlooks a very beautiful landscape. 
Another monument that is in the river is the tower bridge. It is a spectacular bridge. The most important monuments in London are the Big Ben, Buckingham Palace,Houses of Parliament...). 
Things that are very famous are: the red bus, the red post box and the rain. 

In five words: London is fun, expensive and excellent.

divendres, 4 de maig del 2012

Paranormal Activity

Paranormal activity is a horror and intrigne film.
This film was created in 2007. Oren Peli wrote the guide of this film. He wrote Paranormal activity 1, 2, 3 and 4 too. But only coming out the Paranormal activity 1, 2 and 3.

The film is about a couple that they go to live in another house. When they are settled in this house, they started hearing noises in the night. They decided to buy a camera and film all the time. Every day when they when to sleep the man put the camera in front of the bed. It happened every day, in the house many strange things happened. For example, at night the light of the stairs was on and then it closed, or something pull the blanket, or one day the couple put sugar in front of the door because they saw the pawprint and more things. 
The conclusion was in their house there is a spiritual monster.

In my opinion this film is very incredible and when I saw it I was very scared, because Paranormal activity is based on real facts.

dijous, 19 d’abril del 2012

Falling in love

One day I walked on beach. The blue water of the sea touched my feet and the sand stuck to me. I was wearing a white dress and a big beautiful hat.
I walked on the beach with my dog, Max, he is a dalmatan and he is very intelligent and handsome.

Suddenly, I saw a person faraway and another thing next to the person when I could see properly I saw a boy and his dog.
Max ran away and his dog too. I thought that they would fight and I ran behind my dog. When I was running my big hat flew and fall on to on the water.
The boy jumped into the water and recued my hat. When I saw him, I was very nervous. He was the best boy in the world. He was very handsome and he has blue eyes and blond hair. His body was perfect and his teeth too. His voice was very romantic and he was an incredible boy.
When I saw him, I thought "he is my boy".

What happened was he had the same feeling.
We liked each other first we talked about things and this day was very funny and beautiful.
For me this day was the best day of my life because my life changed. For him I think that it's the same because he loves me a lot but not like me. And our dogs we think that they like each other for this day changed too. So I created a very good family only in a day.

This memory is very special for me because we fell in love.

Catalonia's national treasure


One important product in Catalonia is the wine.
Wine is an important element of the culture, history and economy of Catalonia.

Catalonia's producers make more than 200 wines. Catalonia's wine is of many varieties of grapes. There are a lot of grape varieties, in total 35 varieties. For example, Cabernet sauvignon, Pinot noir and Syrah in red wines...

Every year Catalonia sells up to 50 million bottles of wine around the world. Catalonia's wine has expanded to more than 100 coutries. Because the another countries can't product the wine that Catalonia can up, for example, United States and Canada sell only to 3.4 million bottles.

The Catalonia's wine is the best because of the colour and its intense aromas it produces an autentical experience.

Barcelona, the business & leisure capital of Southern europe
April 2012

The circuit of the rose from Ecuador to Catalonia


A week before Sant Jordi, millions of roses come to Catalonia. These roses are from different coutries. The roses coming from Colombia and Ecuador by plane and arrive at El Prat or Madrid, then the roses fly to Vilasar the Mar and finally to Barcelona by plane too.
The roses arrive more or less in 5 days.
There are many varieties of roses, for example, Lovely Red, Red France, Samurai and Grand Gala.
All the producers start preparations for the day of "La Diada de Sant Jordi".

Barcelona, the business & leisure capital of Southern europe
April 2012

No Valentine's day in Catalonia


Valentine's day is on February 14, on this day we celebrate the love that exists around the world.
This day is very special for the couples because they buy presents for his couple. They buy for example, flowers, chocolates or something.
This day is celebrated around the world but in Catalonia we celebrate "La Diada de Sant Jordi" on April 23. This day is for the couples too. The girl buys a book for her boyfriend and the boy buys a rose for his girlfriend this day is very beautiful because it comes from a precious old history.

Do you celebrate Valentine's day or Sant Jordi?

Barcelona, the business & leisure capital of Southern europe

March 2012

Craig David

Craig David was born in Southaupton, in England, on 5 of May of 1981. His father is from Grenda and his mother is from England. His parents separated when Craig was eight years old, he lived with his mother and grandmother.
David was only 19 when he became the youngest male Brithish singer to be Number One in the UK.
His first two albums were famous. But his third album didn't succeed. So David decided to change things.
Craig decided to get a new look. He stopped wearing hats and started doing sport every day with a personal trainer. But it isn't the first time he has changed his image.
When he was young he was fat. Then, at 15 years old, he discovered music. And he loved it, and now he too. He explains "Music was my new food, and I lost all the weight".
David changed his appearance and his music.

Some David Craig's albums are Born to do it (2000), Slicker than your Average (2002), The story goes (2005) and the best Craig's famous album is Trust Me (2007) and others.
This album is very important because it created when David changed a new style.
This album is his most exciting album.
And the best song for David in this album is Awkward because this song has reggae music.

In my opinion Craig David is a very important singer at the moment. I like his style and his songs are very beautiful because some songs are very rythmic and others are calm and relaxing.
My favourite song by this artist is Insomnia.

Summer '12

In my opinion this summer will be fantastic.

- This summer I'm going to go to England. I 'm going to go with my friend Júlia Fàlgas. We are going to go in July. This trip for me will be fantastic.
- This summer I'm going to go to the beach with my friends.
- I'm going to go to coves with my boat and my jetski. When the mechanics have reparet my jetski I'm going to go to Illes Medes.

- This summer I'm going to go to a lot of parties many days and I think will organise a party at home but the owers of my house are my parents. I don't have control in my house.
- I hope I will swim in the sea at night.
- I wish to be 17 years old, because my birthday is in December, is at Chrisstmas.
- This summer I hope to go to Ibiza because there are many parties but I'm not thinking about parties because at this moment the most important thing are the studies.
- This summer I'm going to work because I'm 16 years old.

Laura's birthday

Yesterday it was my friend Laura's birthday, Laura, but nobody had mentioned it at school and training.
Her family gave her a lot of presents and a cake. Her family celebrated her birthday but she was a little sad because she thought that her friends didn't remember her birthday, because all day nobody at school said "Happy birthday Laura".

When she finished school I saw that she was crying. But she didn't know that we had prepared a party for her that night.
In the evening I met everybody and prepared the party for when she coming to the hall.
We prepared the party in a hall instead of the houses because we can play the music very laudly.
The friend's mum prepared the food and drinks. We invited many people but Laura knew.
When all the people arrived in hall, next Laura's mum brought Laura and she was very surprised.
At night we danced and sang all the time!
And Laura was very happy and extroverted, and she had a lot of presents for her friends.

The party was very good and Laura was feeling very good. And she will remeber this day always.
It was a memorable day.

dimecres, 18 d’abril del 2012

Resolutions in Easter

This weekend starts on Saturday 31, and finishes on Monday 9. This holiday is only in countries where cristianaty exists celebrated, because is a tradition of a country.

I'm thinking doinf some things this week so I made a timetable. But the principal things that I'm going to do are:

- I'm going to read the book "El árbol de la ciencia".
- I'm going to go out my boyfriend and my friends.
- I'm going to go to disco called Chic for the last time.
- I'm going to work with a veterinarian because in the future when I'm older I hope to be a good vet.
- I'm going to study biology a lot because on the 10th of April I'm going to an exam.
- I'm going to chat with my best friend, because she talls me everything.
- My cousin is going to cut my hair because she is a hairdresser.
- I'm going to go to my friend Eugenia's party because she turned 17 years old last week.
- I'm going to meet with my family for celebrate the Pascua's day.

I hope that this resolutions will perfect.
And my week Easter very good and everything that I would like is done.

dimarts, 10 d’abril del 2012

Letter from New York

Hi, Mum! 

I arrived very well in New York. We are staying in a hotel, called Hollywood Hotel. This hotel has three stars. It's very beautiful and big. The room is very confortable and the TV has many channels. 
Near the hotel there are many fastfood places. For example the most popular is Mc Donald's. Do you remember mum? in Figueres there is a Mc Donald's.

Today, ewe are going to visit a lot of things. We are going to visit the Statue of Liberty, The Bronx, the Brooklyn Bridge, the Midtown Manhattan, Central Park and another places.

Next we going to go to the hotel we will have dinner and finally we are going to go to sleep because the first day in New York is very tired for us.                                                                                                              
On monday, the third day I'll write another letter to you.

New York, in the first look is very impressive. I like it very much.
Josu's very happy because like you know he travelled to New York when he was young. And do you remember mum? When he told me that when we stay together one year, we'll go to New York and it was true. Jajaja We are in New York!

Well, mum now we go to eat and next we'll visit New York. We'll send you all photos!
I'll write to you or you phone me.
See you later!
Bye! Kisses. I love you!


dimecres, 21 de març del 2012


In Scotland they prepare a famous food, it's shortbread. It's a type of biscuit. It's good and has a delicious taste.
Now, I'm writing how to prepare this short bread are:
- 300 grams flour
- 225 grams butter
- 110 grams sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon almond extract
- 1/2 teaspoon salt

Sart by beating the butter. Next I add the sugar and beat slowly.
Secondly I add the almond extract, flour and I add the salt.
Next I put in the refrigerator for two hours.
Then I put the mixture into a greased baking tray. Prick the surface with a fork. 
Next I cut into small rectangles.
And finally, bake at 150ºC for 30 minutes.

and now, we go to eat!


The Latino singer, Shakira.
Shakira for me is the best latino singer in the world. She has a very impressive voice and she dance very well.
Her real name is Sakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll. Her name is from Arabic. Her father is Labanese and her mother is Colombian. She is 35 years old. She was born in Barranquilla, Colombia, South America, on 2 of February 1977. Now Shakira fall in love with Gerard Piqué, a Barcelona's player. 

Shakira is a very good artist. She sings in English and Spanish. Her music is a combination of pop rock, latin and arabic music.She started to play the guitar when she was eight years old.
She made her first album in Spanish at age 14.
She was a star in South America at age 17.
Her first album in English is Laundry Service. She writes her songs and she plays the guitar.
My favourite son by this artist is hips don't lie.
Because it is a song of her place of birth. The video is very beautiful and spectacullar, Shakira dances fantastically.

diumenge, 4 de març del 2012


In Titanic there is a platonic love. I think that Titanic is one of the best movies of the world, because I always cry when I watch Titanic. This film is about a big ship that its go to New York, America.On the ship, Rose, a rich woman, was meet Jack, a poor man. They felt love but Rose's family didn't accept Jack, because he was poor and also beacause she will marry with a rich man, but she didn't love him. One day the ship crashed with a iceberg and it was sinked. Very people died because they drowned or because the water was so cold only some rich people saved. Jack died and Rose saved, but she ever love Jack.
My favourite Titanic's scene is when Jack said to Rose I love you, then he died.


Why zebres have stripes

The scientist studies have shown us that zebres have unmistakable stripe because general reasons.
One of this is because catch zebre has am unique pattern, and then it's different to the others; and the others animals can recognize it.
Another one reasons is that the zebres with their stripes are camuflage in a vast herd and the predators can not see them.
The most important reasons can be that zebres with their striped pattern; are animals much less atracttive to insects. 
Scientists in a experiment could see that in a fly-infested field, the flies in front of black, or white horse, or zebra-striped landed less over the model zebra.
The researchers think that zebras had black-coated, and enolved its with stripes.

We found love

Letter:                                                                      Traducció:

Yellow diamonds in the light                                 Diamants grocs a la llum
And we're standing side by side                       I estem l’un al costat de l’altre
As your shadow crosses mine                  A mesura que la teva ombra creua la meva
What it takes to come alive                            El que es necessita és tornar a la vida

It's the way I’m feeling I just can't deny        És la manera que sento que no puc negar
But I've gotta let it go                                                 Pero he de deixar-ho anar

We found love in a hopeless place           Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança

We found love in a hopeless place           Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
We found love in a hopeless place           Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
We found love in a hopeless place           Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança

Shine a light through an open door                   Una llum a través d’una porta oberta
Love and life I will divide                                          L'amor i la vida dividiré
Turn away cause I need you more                   T’allunyes perquè jo et necessito més
Feel the heartbeat in my mind                         Sento el batec del meu cor al meu cap

It's the way I’m feeling I just can't deny          És la manera que sento que no puc negar
But I've gotta let it go                                                 Pero he de deixar-ho anar

We found love in a hopeless place             Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
We found love in a hopeless place             Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
We found love in a hopeless place             Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
We found love in a hopeless place             Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança

Yellow diamonds in the light                                  Diamants grocs a la llum
And we're standing side by side                       I estem l’un al costat de l’altre
As your shadow crosses mine                A mesura que la teva ombra creua la meva

We found love in a hopeless place             Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
We found love in a hopeless place             Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
We found love in a hopeless place             Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
We found love in a hopeless place             Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança

We found love in a hopeless place            Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
We found love in a hopeless place            Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
We found love in a hopeless place            Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
We found love in a hopeless place            Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança

I like this  song 'cause it's very explosive and the videoclip is so beautiful. Rihanna is one of my favourite singers and last December I went to her concert. The concert was incredible, the stage was well decorated and all the time they changed it.
I like Rihanna's voice in the songs more than live. Rhianna changed all the time in the concert. This concert was outstanding.
Rihanna is a very strong person, 'cause her last boyfriend hit her. I must also say that I love her voice, it's very soft. When I grow up, I will: Go to America and I will learn English, for I can speak with her.

I love shopping

My hobby is buying clothes.
I like everything and i can dress in lots of different ways. I don't like to follow fashions and dress the same like everybody else,i have my own opinion about things. But when I go in too a shop I have to control myself. 
I would buy everything,all kinds of trousers and tops. Lots of people think i do it so other people will like me, but to me the colours and the way you dress represents you and your humour. To me first impressions are really important.
When I go to shopping I go with my mum or with my friends. We like shopping, all the girls in the world or the majority like shopping.

I love music

Music is very important in my life, it changes my thoughts, my character; it changes everything. It changes my life. 

When I'm depressed, I to listen sad music, or romantic songs. I don't know why I do it, but I can't control it...

But when I'm happy, I listen to good music, moved songs, house, pop or reggaeton. When I do it, I feel so much better.

When I go out, or go to the disco, or to a private party, I forget my problems and start dancing with my friends, and everyone has a good time!
Music is the best medicine for me, when I'm very stressed or very sad... I take my headphones, music at full volume, and I can disconnect from everything, problems, tasks...I can disconnect from my life.