diumenge, 25 de novembre del 2012

Figueres ask for 739.431€ in the help for the fire althoug the fire hadn't arrived to the city

Diari de Girona
Girona - Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Figueres has asked for more that the half of money than the villages burned in l'Emporda the last july.
The council says that in Figueres look as last 739.431'71€. It is because a pipes had burst. This hasn't happened  for the fire directly, but the flames showned, that these pipes were deteriorated for the high temperatures and they are in need of repair.

So, Figueres needs 26.000€ for this pipes, and 700.000 for a new construction called "Bypass" (water network).
The other villages really burred are angry. These villages (la Jonquera, Terrades, Agullana ...) slost 13.000ha in the fire. The Agullana's mayor says that the Figueres council hasn't solidarity. His village was destroyed by fire in 60%, La Jonquera in 90% and Figueres 0%.

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