divendres, 5 d’abril del 2013

Formal letter

Montseny, 7A
Castelló dEmpúries

Mr. Pranab Mukherjee, president of India
5 April 2013

Dear Mr. Mukherjee

I live in Catalonia, in a little village, called Castelló d'Empúries. Usually I read many news about the women discrimination in India, but in these last days I have read horrible news about the gender irregularity in this country.
Six men have been arrested after another brutal gang rape of a woman bus passenger.
This is a very big problem. The government have not a good laws to protect the women. Only the government and the courts can give better safety, better respect to violance.

I think that the high Comission of Human Rights in ONU must demanded to change some things but the state in India protect your Human Rights like a kay of a treasor. I considerate that this accion will change inmediatly.

They haven't strong laws against this discrimination. The problem is in their culture. You should call on men as fathers, husbands, brothers and sons to take responsability for the ways they practise discrimination and violence against women.

Nowdays womens and mens must share leadership. Is necessary a change in India. Now is the worst place in the world for women.
Rape is one more thing inside the domestic injustices. There is connection between the discrimination at home and violence in public spaces. 

Your organisation must find a solution. You should advice the governement in India. They must change. It's necessary the India's transition, perhaps the solution began in the school.
Your organitzation must protect the human rights in this country. 

Please help them

Èlia Carreras López

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