diumenge, 3 de març del 2013

Reeva Steenkamp made romantic photo collage for Oscar Pistorius on day she died

She was a model and the Oscar Pistorius's girl friend. She was 29 years old. He is the Blade Runner Paralympic star. He is 26 years old.
Twelve hours before he killed her, she made a framed four photo collage. It was the Valentine's gift for his boyfriend.
The shop assistant have told how Reeva acted like any girl in love.
He has admited he shot the model but he says he mistook her for a burglar at his luxury home in Pretoria, South Africa.
I think it's not possible. Really I don't believe he can mistake her for a buglar. Now, only he knows the truth.
Perhaps they had a problem in their relation. The sad reallity is that she is dead.
- burglar: lladre
- frame: emmarcar
- acted: es va comportar

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