diumenge, 12 de maig del 2013

Dramatic decline for plants and animals

The world need a change. Because a cause of the greenhouse gases more animals and plants die, desapper or their habitat will decline. The greenhouse gases destroy more thing, more habitats, more biodiversity and final for the humans. The greenhouse gases produce a rise of the temperature, at the moment the temperature rise at 2ºC and for 2016 calculate 4ºC more.

I think that people should be a fast and good change, because this problem rise day a day. This problem no effect only the animals because we need the nature for our lives. I would like that people thinks a little and changes some things for reduce this enviroment. With some changes we don't live different, only we help our world.

greenhouse gases: gasos de l'efecte hivernacle
rainfall: pluja
remaining: restant

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