dimecres, 15 de maig del 2013

My English progress from 2011-2013

Do I learn English in Batxillerat? I know that I learn a lot this course. 
My first written document was this: http://english-bat-elia.blogspot.com.es/2011/10/me.html
I can see that this vocabulary is really basic but now I write better. I use a technical language, connectors and the vocabulary is variate. The structure before was so good so I don't change, it's the same in the actuality. I can do a formal letter, a good summaries, a redaction about something, etc.
I think that my best progres in this course is the redaction, because before I didn't write with hability but now it's easy.
My first oral presentation was a little horrible. It was this: http://english-bat-elia.blogspot.com.es/2011/11/my-oral-presentation.html
I can see now that I prefer listen the last oral presentation that I did it, because when I realized the first I knew the basic English and my expresion oral was bad, I don't know why but always I didn't do it good. 

I write, read and listen good but my speacking is bad, it's so extrange. Maybe I think that I should precipitate to talk, this is the key. But I can't. I'm sorry, I repeat I can! 
I'm funny with my work and I would like to talk in English perfectly, at the moment it 's my dream.

diumenge, 12 de maig del 2013

Scientists raise hope of vaccine against spider bites

In Brazillian is where there are many spiders venom so the Brazillian's scientists create a medicine for the venom. Their venom caused so much die to persons around the world. Scientsts created a vacines and they prove them with some rabbits. these animals were protected of the venom thanks these vacines.

I think that this vacunne is so good for people because thanks of it all people will be protect about these spiders. Because these spiders don't stay only in Brazillian, these spiders stay around the world. Maybe the most  poisonous lives in Brazillian but in all countries there are spiders with this venom.

jab: punxada
venom: verí
vaccines: vacunes

'Twenty-six' forest elephants slaughtered in Central Africa

In Central Africa, twenty-sex elephants died because one group, ivory poachers, kill elephans with heavy-calibre rifles. The group shoot to elephans. They know the place because they situated in a private place where one cientific investigate the elephans from there. Elephants like so much this place always they come there for ddrinking but since the shooting elephants don't approch more.

Why people don't respect the animals? I don't understand. The elephants are animals like the people. They respect us so we respect them too. They don't deserve that people hurt them. They would like survive like our. 

heritage: patrimoni
shooting: tiroteig
jeopardise: posar en perill

Dramatic decline for plants and animals

The world need a change. Because a cause of the greenhouse gases more animals and plants die, desapper or their habitat will decline. The greenhouse gases destroy more thing, more habitats, more biodiversity and final for the humans. The greenhouse gases produce a rise of the temperature, at the moment the temperature rise at 2ºC and for 2016 calculate 4ºC more.

I think that people should be a fast and good change, because this problem rise day a day. This problem no effect only the animals because we need the nature for our lives. I would like that people thinks a little and changes some things for reduce this enviroment. With some changes we don't live different, only we help our world.

greenhouse gases: gasos de l'efecte hivernacle
rainfall: pluja
remaining: restant

Saudi Arabia: Let Women and Girls Play Sports

In Saudi Arabia, few days later the women didn't realize any sport activity. Saudi Arabia was only country of the world that women didn't practise any sport. But, now the government announced on 4th of May that women can do some sport activity but they must use a decent clothing and they will supervise by famale Saudi instructor.

In Spain, for example, this human right about the gender equality is one of the best important laws in the country. So, the sport is the same activity for the men than the women. It's very different the situacion, because we have this concept since more years late. This concept should be change in Saudi Arabia, because it's like a hard violence for the women.

I think that like an individual it's very difficult to change this but like a group can be posible. But, about this project it's better that the government work about it and apply rules and laws because the people change their mental and moral.

dissabte, 11 de maig del 2013

CHALLENGE: Can we make Humans rights more relevant in the world today (WITH THE HELP OF SOCIAL NETWORKS)?

Nowadays, the technology is better than the years before. Technology is important for all in this days, because now if technology disappears in the world will be a brutal crisis. Now, it's essential for our lives. Because thanks of it the humans can know what happen around the world, in all the countries, in all the cities, in all the villages, etc. before when only there was anything or the basic things about technology the humans didn't know anything only they cared about himself. But now, it's very different the situation because the technology learn us all the situacions, the problems, the desasters, etc. that happen in the world. People learn a lot and cared more for other person, but sometimes I think that this explosion and too much information about the people now it's a rutine and people don't value like before. Now, all the problems and other things are a normal things.
So, I thought that with this social networks will be more relevant the human rights in the world today.

Human Rights

1. What are human rights?
Human rights are commonly understood as inalienable fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being. Human rights are this conceived as universal and the same for everyone. The objective of human rights is that every individual and every organ of society shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms.

2. Why were they created?
They were created to preserve the natural rights.

3. How many human rights are there?
Nowadays there are thirty articles.

4. Which human right were you not familiar with? Mention an example where this human right is respected and where it is not respected.
I wasn't familiar with the article 4: "No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms", and it is respect in some countries, but it is still happening in some others, for example Brasil or Africa.