dimecres, 15 de maig del 2013

My English progress from 2011-2013

Do I learn English in Batxillerat? I know that I learn a lot this course. 
My first written document was this: http://english-bat-elia.blogspot.com.es/2011/10/me.html
I can see that this vocabulary is really basic but now I write better. I use a technical language, connectors and the vocabulary is variate. The structure before was so good so I don't change, it's the same in the actuality. I can do a formal letter, a good summaries, a redaction about something, etc.
I think that my best progres in this course is the redaction, because before I didn't write with hability but now it's easy.
My first oral presentation was a little horrible. It was this: http://english-bat-elia.blogspot.com.es/2011/11/my-oral-presentation.html
I can see now that I prefer listen the last oral presentation that I did it, because when I realized the first I knew the basic English and my expresion oral was bad, I don't know why but always I didn't do it good. 

I write, read and listen good but my speacking is bad, it's so extrange. Maybe I think that I should precipitate to talk, this is the key. But I can't. I'm sorry, I repeat I can! 
I'm funny with my work and I would like to talk in English perfectly, at the moment it 's my dream.

diumenge, 12 de maig del 2013

Scientists raise hope of vaccine against spider bites

In Brazillian is where there are many spiders venom so the Brazillian's scientists create a medicine for the venom. Their venom caused so much die to persons around the world. Scientsts created a vacines and they prove them with some rabbits. these animals were protected of the venom thanks these vacines.

I think that this vacunne is so good for people because thanks of it all people will be protect about these spiders. Because these spiders don't stay only in Brazillian, these spiders stay around the world. Maybe the most  poisonous lives in Brazillian but in all countries there are spiders with this venom.

jab: punxada
venom: verí
vaccines: vacunes

'Twenty-six' forest elephants slaughtered in Central Africa

In Central Africa, twenty-sex elephants died because one group, ivory poachers, kill elephans with heavy-calibre rifles. The group shoot to elephans. They know the place because they situated in a private place where one cientific investigate the elephans from there. Elephants like so much this place always they come there for ddrinking but since the shooting elephants don't approch more.

Why people don't respect the animals? I don't understand. The elephants are animals like the people. They respect us so we respect them too. They don't deserve that people hurt them. They would like survive like our. 

heritage: patrimoni
shooting: tiroteig
jeopardise: posar en perill

Dramatic decline for plants and animals

The world need a change. Because a cause of the greenhouse gases more animals and plants die, desapper or their habitat will decline. The greenhouse gases destroy more thing, more habitats, more biodiversity and final for the humans. The greenhouse gases produce a rise of the temperature, at the moment the temperature rise at 2ºC and for 2016 calculate 4ºC more.

I think that people should be a fast and good change, because this problem rise day a day. This problem no effect only the animals because we need the nature for our lives. I would like that people thinks a little and changes some things for reduce this enviroment. With some changes we don't live different, only we help our world.

greenhouse gases: gasos de l'efecte hivernacle
rainfall: pluja
remaining: restant

Saudi Arabia: Let Women and Girls Play Sports

In Saudi Arabia, few days later the women didn't realize any sport activity. Saudi Arabia was only country of the world that women didn't practise any sport. But, now the government announced on 4th of May that women can do some sport activity but they must use a decent clothing and they will supervise by famale Saudi instructor.

In Spain, for example, this human right about the gender equality is one of the best important laws in the country. So, the sport is the same activity for the men than the women. It's very different the situacion, because we have this concept since more years late. This concept should be change in Saudi Arabia, because it's like a hard violence for the women.

I think that like an individual it's very difficult to change this but like a group can be posible. But, about this project it's better that the government work about it and apply rules and laws because the people change their mental and moral.

dissabte, 11 de maig del 2013

CHALLENGE: Can we make Humans rights more relevant in the world today (WITH THE HELP OF SOCIAL NETWORKS)?

Nowadays, the technology is better than the years before. Technology is important for all in this days, because now if technology disappears in the world will be a brutal crisis. Now, it's essential for our lives. Because thanks of it the humans can know what happen around the world, in all the countries, in all the cities, in all the villages, etc. before when only there was anything or the basic things about technology the humans didn't know anything only they cared about himself. But now, it's very different the situation because the technology learn us all the situacions, the problems, the desasters, etc. that happen in the world. People learn a lot and cared more for other person, but sometimes I think that this explosion and too much information about the people now it's a rutine and people don't value like before. Now, all the problems and other things are a normal things.
So, I thought that with this social networks will be more relevant the human rights in the world today.

Human Rights

1. What are human rights?
Human rights are commonly understood as inalienable fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being. Human rights are this conceived as universal and the same for everyone. The objective of human rights is that every individual and every organ of society shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms.

2. Why were they created?
They were created to preserve the natural rights.

3. How many human rights are there?
Nowadays there are thirty articles.

4. Which human right were you not familiar with? Mention an example where this human right is respected and where it is not respected.
I wasn't familiar with the article 4: "No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms", and it is respect in some countries, but it is still happening in some others, for example Brasil or Africa.

Oral reader test questions (OPTIONAL)

1. Can you summarize the book in two minutes?
The story happens in Alaska.
A wolf has five little cubs but only one of them lives. 
They find a day an indigenous, Grey Beaver. He calls to the little cub "White Fang".
They live with him, but one day when he's older stronger Grey sells him to a man, Smith, who has dogs to fight.
White Fang fights and he always wins but one day he almost dies. A young rich man, Weedon Scott, buys him.
He wants to tame the wolf and he takes him at home there, one day a killer want to kill Scott's father but White Fang save him.
So he is for the family a hero and he lives happy there with his cubs and Collie.

2. Is there a mystery sentence or a turning point in the story?
The story shows us that th wolf must always fight. He must be strong. First to save his life and finally to preotect who he loves.

3. When and where does the story take place?
The story takes place in Alaska.

4. Who are the main characters in the story? What’s their role?
White Fang: A wolf, he lives in freedom and after he lives with differents men. He begans to hate them because they are bad to him but finally he finds love with Scott and his life changes. Then he is happy and he has good feelings.

Weedon Scott: He is a young and rich man. He is a good man. He looks after White Fang. He shows him what love is. He is the goodness in the men.

Smith: This man is bad to White Fang. He wins a lot of money with the fights beetween dogs. He hits White Fang. He is a monster. His role is the misdeed in the man.

5. Choose one character (main or secondary) and describe him/her.
White Fang: A wolf, he lives in freedom and after he lives with differents men. He begans to hate them because they are bad to him but finally he finds love with Scott and his life changes. Then he is happy and he has good feelings.

6. Can you identify with any character? Why?
Really, I'm sure! I like Weedon Scott. I have animals. I'll do all I can for them.
I can't see an animal suffering.
I know that they have feelings and they need love. If you give them love they love you very much more. They'll do anything for you.

7. Choose your favourite moment in the story
My favourite moment in the story is when Scott buys White Fang because it means that the time has come for him to have a good life. He can be happy!

8. Which new key words have you learnt to understand the story?
The main words are:
Fang: Because this symbolizes strength and the wild nature of the wolf. Like "snapping his teeth" or "snarled". All of this words represent how this wolf is.

9. Provide an alternative ending.
I would like it if White Fang returns to his natural habitat and he lives like a real wolf.
And so, he smells nature and the freedom again and forever.

10. Would you recommend this book? Why?
Yes, it's clear!
I recommend this book especially to people who loves animals.
You learn from this book to respect these animals and don't abuse them because they have feelings too and they don't deserve that humans destroy their lives for their interest.
Also, this book isn't boring, it's very interesting and you can enjoy with this sweet story.

A missed opportunity

Last week I learned that sometimes we should listen to other people's advice because I suffer like never before.

Last week I had my second race car. This race was very important for me and my group. I thought that I would win. For this reason I decided to change some pieces of the car so that my car would be faster than the others competitors.

I thought remove the cd's brakes because this thing weighted so much, but one of the technicions told me - This thing is essential to the car, it can't be removed -. I was very angry with him and I didn't listen and after I removed the piece.

On the day, in the race car, I thought that I would be the winner but my technician was right, because of this piece my car didn't stop correctly in a curve of this circuit. I lost, a part of my car broke down and I suffered serious injuries.

In your life always listen all the tips that the people say because they could help you I can learn a lot from this story!

Ken Block

divendres, 10 de maig del 2013

The perfect bedroom?

Would you like to have the perfect bedroom? It's easy!

Everybody is tired with their boring bedroom, but new you can change it.

First of all, don't get stres, if you want a good bedroom you should be happy because your bedroom is like you. You organise your bedroom. Your bedroom is part of your character. 

After this, another important thing are the clothes. How do you have your clothes? The best thing is to have a dressing room. Because with this way your bedroom will have two parts one for the clothes and the other for sleeping and enjoying things. This is the key.

Now, you know the key.
Come on! Run and change your bedroom! I can see you. 

dijous, 25 d’abril del 2013

My plans for summer

Maybe it's too early to plan my summer but I would like to have everything organized because I would to have the best summer of my life at the moment.

First of all I would like to pass the high school and then I will be calm.
Then when I finish school I'm going with my friends to Mallorca for one week, I hope that it's going to be perfect.

When we come back I will start working at the moment I don't know where it's probable either with my uncle at the horseriding school or in a camping, there I can practise English with the foresting people.

And finally I would like to go with my friends to the beach or swimming pool or some parties or wherever, but I will be enjoy it.


The best film I have seen recently was "War Horse" I saw it last month at the cinema. It is an incredible and passionate film.

The worst film was Rec 3, I thought that it would be better but I was really disappointed. I recommend everyone goes to see "War Horse" it's a very passionate film and this film has history, love and friendship.

Rec 3, I didn't know that it was very bad, but it really was a very stupid film, you musn't spend any money on it. In my opinion Rec 1 was better than 3 and Rec 2 was acceptable but the finally film, Rec 3, was a disaster.

I recommend everyone that reads this redaction and you go to see " War horse"!

My new friend from England

Hello my new friend!

Well.. We began to get to know each other last month. We often talked but nothing else. You said me that I talked you about my life more or less.

I live in Empuriabrava, near Roses in Girona. I live in a house, it's in a good place. I will invite you one day.
My family is so kind, my mother is the best person who exist in the world, my father is very happy, he always laughs and tells jokes and my brother i so cute, he plays football. Oh! I don't want to forget my favourite animal in the world, I have a cat called Kitty and she isn't dangerous, she is like a dog.

So.. my interests.. Before I did rythmic gymnastic but at high school and other I left the club.
I like films, it doesn't matter where, for example at the cinema or at home with the fire, on this place is wonderful.
I like music, my favourite song is all my people by Sasha Lopez.

Well, Nicole, now you tell me about yourself.

Kisses from Spain.


divendres, 5 d’abril del 2013

Formal letter

Montseny, 7A
Castelló dEmpúries

Mr. Pranab Mukherjee, president of India
5 April 2013

Dear Mr. Mukherjee

I live in Catalonia, in a little village, called Castelló d'Empúries. Usually I read many news about the women discrimination in India, but in these last days I have read horrible news about the gender irregularity in this country.
Six men have been arrested after another brutal gang rape of a woman bus passenger.
This is a very big problem. The government have not a good laws to protect the women. Only the government and the courts can give better safety, better respect to violance.

I think that the high Comission of Human Rights in ONU must demanded to change some things but the state in India protect your Human Rights like a kay of a treasor. I considerate that this accion will change inmediatly.

They haven't strong laws against this discrimination. The problem is in their culture. You should call on men as fathers, husbands, brothers and sons to take responsability for the ways they practise discrimination and violence against women.

Nowdays womens and mens must share leadership. Is necessary a change in India. Now is the worst place in the world for women.
Rape is one more thing inside the domestic injustices. There is connection between the discrimination at home and violence in public spaces. 

Your organisation must find a solution. You should advice the governement in India. They must change. It's necessary the India's transition, perhaps the solution began in the school.
Your organitzation must protect the human rights in this country. 

Please help them

Èlia Carreras López

diumenge, 3 de març del 2013

My oral presentation

My oral presentation was about my reserch project of observation and investigation of marine animals in Cap de Creus.
I think that I made my oral presentation good. It's true that some things can be better I think that although I was very nervious because I spoke in front of people and it wasn't in my matternal language I was good.
My power point I believe it's very beautiful, interesting and organized. It's the same power point that I used in my oral presentation of the reserch project, because I considere I did it fantastic.
The pronunciation was wonderful but my voice trembled.
Now I have seen it many times and I have corrected the mistakes, so the next time I explain this project I will do better.

Can teenagers live without mobile phones?

Teenagers can't live without mobile phones because the world changes and people adapts to new technologies. In my view the most technology thing at the moment is the mobile phone.

In my opinion mobile phones are the best thing in the world.
Everybody in the world has a mobile phone. This thing is very important nowadays because thanks to it we can talk a lot with the world.

Nowadays both young and old people have a mobile phone.
This mobile isn't only for talking, it's also used for entering facebook, twitter, photos, videos and other things.
There are very different mobile phones and different colours or things for each person's taste. The mobile phone is very practical because we take it easy and isn't upset us.

I think that teenagers can't live without mobile phones but neither can other people too.

To me, the mobile phone is the best thing of the world.

Inside gay Hollywood’s baby boom

In America gaydads and their baby mamas are becoming the new normal. In this new, a modern couple, Chris and Vicktor, explain us their experience. They have been marriedon three separate ocasions. They made a vows in St. Bards, after in the French West Indiest, and finally in South Africa on their honey moon.

Victor and Chris Fraley-Self with their daughers Coco, 3 (on slide), and Kiki, 9 months, and their surrogate, Kira, photographed at the Fraley-Self family home in Los Angeles last month. Portrait Steve Schofield.In 2011 they became the firts gay men weeding in New York State. Nowadays have to daughters and they are happy with their baby mama

In USA commercial surogaci is not illegal nowadays it begans to be a normal things. Famous gay people buy these women because they want a child. I don't like this.

- vow: promesa
- honey moon: lluna de mel
- surogaci: de lloger


37 Pakistanis Killed in Blasts in Shiite District of Karachi

In Islamabad, Pakistan have had two powerful explosions in the Shiite neigh borhood of Karachi over two apartament blocks.
Several apartments caught fire as gas lines rupture from the force of the bombs. The first bomb was very strong and it was in a car bomb. The second blast might be by a gas cylinder.
In this moment, people don't know who is the responsible but probably it is a pattern of a compaign against Pakistan's shiite minority.
The city police force had been on alert in anticipation of such attacks given the sunni militant compaign against Shiites.
The most notorious group is "Lashkar-e-Jhangui".
In my opinion, the life in Pakistan is  a hell. Nobody is sure at home. Really, Karachi Pakistan's biggest city and commercial capital has a long history of violence.
- neighborhood: barri
- the wondered: els ferits
- pattern: tendencia

Queen in hospital for gastroenteritis assessment

The QueenThe old monarch was taken from Windsor Castle by private car to the Edward VII Hospital in central London.
The last time she was in the hospital, was in 2003 for a knee operation.
Doctors have said that she'll be there for a couple of days, that it is not an emergency. It is a precaution in front of her engagements for this week.
In my opinion, the Queen is ill but it's not an important illness. She is taken ill with stomach bug.
She is an old woman, she is 86 years old, but she is a strong woman with a good health.
- assessment: avaluació
- engagements: compromisos
- bug: virus

James Bond bosses want Adele to sing new theme tune

This year Adele has won an Oscar for "the Skyfall theme". This is the first time in 47 years of Bond films.
The bosses want her to become as synonymous with Bond as Dsame Shirley. She was a legend in the sandtruck with Goldfinger (1964), Diamonds Are Forever (1972) and Moonraker (1979).
But only Adele has sold with "skyfall", three million copies.
In my opinion, Adele has a spectacular voice and she is nowadays one of the best singers. I understand her smash-hit with "skyfall" and I'm sure the next theme of Bond film will be another success.
- sandtrack: banda sonora
- source: informació
- sucess: èxit
- swash-hit: gran èxit

Reeva Steenkamp made romantic photo collage for Oscar Pistorius on day she died

She was a model and the Oscar Pistorius's girl friend. She was 29 years old. He is the Blade Runner Paralympic star. He is 26 years old.
Twelve hours before he killed her, she made a framed four photo collage. It was the Valentine's gift for his boyfriend.
The shop assistant have told how Reeva acted like any girl in love.
He has admited he shot the model but he says he mistook her for a burglar at his luxury home in Pretoria, South Africa.
I think it's not possible. Really I don't believe he can mistake her for a buglar. Now, only he knows the truth.
Perhaps they had a problem in their relation. The sad reallity is that she is dead.
- burglar: lladre
- frame: emmarcar
- acted: es va comportar

Man found shot dead with partner at house in Devizes

A policeman guards the property in Devizes, where two bodies were found (Ryan Hooper)The man, named Bill Dowling and his partner Vicky, were found yesterday morning. Police were called because somebody saw blood splattered on the window.
Now police are keeping the entrance to Dowling garden and forensic work.
He was a recently retired police inspector with 30 years service.
A neighbour said he believed that Dowling had a fire arms license.
I think this man had a firearm in his house, and in a familiar discussion he killed her wife and after he killed himself.
- splattered: esquitxada
- firearms license: llicència d'arma de foc
- noticed: avisà

My normal life

Do you know me?
I'm Èlia Carreras López. I'm 17 years old. I was born in Figueres, but now we are living in Castelló d'Empúries. It's a nice place for living because there are the beach, the boats, good people and some places to go or to visit. I attend a high school in Castelló d'Empuries, called IES Castelló d'Empuries. I wake up very early in the morning, it's very hard for me. Before go to school I prepare a good breakfast and I have a hot shower and finally to get dressed.
My favourite subject, I think it's biology, because I like nature and animals. Next year, I will stay in the University. I would like to be a vet. I love animals and I decided to do it when I was younger. I wish that my dream becomes a reality.
I have got one brother, his name is Marc. She plays football and only he likes this. My brother is a very good student. He is a very kind boy.
My brother and me always have dinner with our parents and we help at home. My brother helps to my father with the mechanic's things and I help to my mother with the house's things.
When the weather is fine, I go with my family to the beach by bycicle or I meet with my friends or I do some fun thing.
I know that my family and my friends are the best and I am nothing without them.

dissabte, 2 de març del 2013

My new friend

One day, teacher said that a new boy from another country came here, in our school. I was very happy, I would like know him as fast as it was possible.  We had heard that his name was Karsten. The desk next to me was empty and I knew he would probably sit there. I would like it.
When I went to school on Monday morning, I quickly hung my coat up and went to my desk. There was the new boy.
He was fantastic. He was happy and intelligent. He came from Rusian and he spoke English, French, Spanish and Rusian. He liked sciences like to me. Classes started and I found out that he was excellent at maths. He even helped me with one or two of the problems.  He helped everybody with the homeworks. He was incredible.

I knew we were going to be great friends.

Sex without love?

Personally, I disagree with this.
First, I consider that some people have sex with another person for their necessity or personal interest. Really? Is it necessary? It's very nasty and bad.
Secondly, I think that some people do that because nowadays they look for love, but it's really difficult to find it, because normally they have sex very easy with out love.
In my view, people pass more fast the illnesses. For example: AIDS, etc.
Before this action was considered a very bad thing, people never told about this, it was a bad thing. Nevertheless, nowadays people look this like a natural thing.
Youth changes...
People change...
Habits change...
The world changes day by day...