diumenge, 20 de novembre del 2011

THE FILM: Twilight

Isabella Swan (Bella) moves from Phoenix to rainy Forks, a little and rainny village to lives with her father, Charlie. She chooses to do this so that her mother, Renée, can travel with her new husband, Phil Dwyer, who is a minor league baseball player.
Bella knows many people in her new school. Her bestfriends are Angela, Jessica, Mike, Tyler, Eric and Jacob, her friend when she was younger.
Bella is intrigued by a mysterious group of siblings known as the Cullens. She, in biology class, sits next to Edward Cullen and they make friends, but Bella sees that Cullen's family are very extrange.
One day, Bella and her bestfriends go to the beach, La Push, in this beach found Jacob, he tell.s Bella a legend of his local tribal, the history of vampires and wolves. After that Bella discovers Edward and his family are a vampirs. Then Bella tells Edward that and Edward tells she, the Cullens family vampires only drinks animal's blood. Edward and Bella falling in love.
One day, Edward's family and Bella play baseball, then another vampires arrive.They can see Bella isn't like them. They see Bella is an human.One of them will follow Bella and Edwrd's family protect her.So, the problem begin for Bella and Edward. Finally, the bad vampire find Bella and attack her. In that moment, arrive Cullen's family and kill him, they can save Bella , and the story will continue.

1 comentari:

  1. HI Elia, take cre with spelling mistakes and third person endings, revise your writing and see if you can find the mistakes,
    I'm lucky I just finished the book, couldn't stop reading until I finished it.
