dissabte, 8 d’octubre del 2011


·MONDAY 25th

I got up early because we went to class but only in the morning. 
The rest of the day we didn't go to class, because the boy students had a basketball match. 
The winners were the Catalan group. The present was a pizza. 
This day we went to bed very late because we celebrated the victory.


In the morning we were very tired. In class, I was almost asleept. We ate a rotten chicken for lunch. It was very bad. We thought that the chicken had been cooked the last week. In the evening, everybody went to the bathroom many times.


In the morning, we had class in the school, but in the afternoon we went to visit  "the London eye". It was very beautiful, and the views of the landscape were spectacular. I thought the London eye was faster. When it was finished we took a photo. This photo was another memory.

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