dilluns, 21 de novembre del 2011



I stayed in:

  1. Spain
  2. France
  3. Italy
  4. The Czech Republic
  5. Finland
  6. Mexico
  7. Tunis


I was borned in Spain, Catalonia in a village called Roses, on the 19th of  December 1995.
I lived in Roses until I was 3 years old.Afterwards my family bought a house in Castelló d’Empuries, Empuriabrava.
In Spain, I’ve stayed in Barcelona, Madrid, Valladolid, Almeria, Canarias, Mallorca, etc.


I have been to France 3 times. One time I went when I was 7 years old, I went with my family. We went to France because I wanted to go to Disneyland Paris.
The second time I went because my parents celebrated their anniversary. And this time for the first time I saw the Eiffel Tower.
And the last time i went to Paris, because my brother, when he was 8 years old, wanted to go to DisneyLand Paris too.


I went to Italy this year at the end 4th ESO.
I went with my friends ans my ex teachers. We went to Italy by bus and returned by boat. We visited a lot of cities (Rome, Florence, Pisa) and many monuments (churches, The fountain di Trevi....).
This trip was a wonderful experience for me and I’ll never forget it.


I travelled to the Czech Republic with my gymnastic club.We went there because we had a European an international competition.
Apart from the competition, we visited many things in the Czech Republic.The most intersting thing for me was a bridge, that had a monuments and the people said that if you thouch this monument you are welcome to the Czech Republic too.


I travelled to Tunis with my family and my parents friends.
I went there because it was a boat stop on a cruise. I didn’t like this country much because when we arrived the locals attacked us, because they only wanted to sell a lot of souvernirs. I was very stressed.


I travelled to Mexico three years ago. That’s the first time I flight over the Atlantic ocean. I went with my family in holydays. I wanted to go to Mexico since I was 9 years old, and my mother likes hot weather more than the cold. I celebrated there on 19th of December my birthday.


I went to Finland last week. I went with my gymnastic club because we had a competition too.This competition was only of this country but the association wanted to invite a foreign club, and this club was us.
For them, we are the best gymnastics club they knew in Spain.
In thes trip, we had a change with this gymnasts, in the summer they’ll come to Spain.
Finland for me, is very beautiful and relaxing, but the problem there is the weather because it was very cold.
Many families have a sauna at home.


Jo he estat a:

  1. Espanya
  2. Tunísia
  3. República Dominicana
  4. França
  5. Itàlia
  6. Mèxic
  7. Finlàndia


Jo vaig néixer a Espanya, Catalunya en un poble anomenat Roses, el 19 de Desembre del 1995.
Jo vivia a Roses des de que tenia 3 anys. Després la meva família va comprar una casa a Castelló d’Empúries, Empuriabrava.
A Espanya, jo he estat a Barcelona, Madrid, Valladolid, Almeria, Canàries, Mallorca, etc.


Jo vaig viatjar a Tunísia amb la meva família i uns amics dels meus pares.
Jo vaig anar-hi perquè era una de les parades del creuer. No em va agradar gaire aquell país perquè quant nosaltres vam arribar els d’allà en van atacar, perquè ells només volien vendre moltes coses. Jo estava molt estressada.


Jo vaig viatjar a República Txeca amb el meu club de gimnàstica. Nosaltres va anar-hi perquè nosaltres teníem una competició europea i internacional.
Apart de la competició, nosaltres vam visitar moltes coses de República Txeca. La cosa més interessant per mi va ser un pont, el qual tenia uns monuments i la gent deia que si tu tocaves un dels monuments tornaries a República Txeca un altre vegada.


Jo he estat a França tres vegades. La primera vegada vaig anar  quant jo tenia 7 anys, jo vaig anar amb la meva família. Nosaltres va manar a França perquè Jo volia anar a Disneyland Paris.
La segona vegada jo vaig anar perquè els meus pares celebraven el seu aniversari. I aquest cop va ser el primer cop que vaig veure la Torre Eiffel.
I l’última vegada jo vaig anar a Paris, perquè el meu germà, quant tenia 6 anys, volia anar també a Disneyland Paris.


Jo vaig anar a Itàlia aquest any al final del curs de 4rt d’ESO.
Jo vaig anar amb els meus amics i els meus exprofessors. Nosaltres vam anar a Itàlia amb autobús i vàrem tornar amb vaixell. Nosaltres visitarem moltes ciutats (Roma, Florència, Pisa) i moles monuments (esglésies, la fontanna di Trevi…).
Aquest viatge va ser una experiència meravellosa per mi i jo mai ho oblidaré.


Jo vaig anar a Finlàndia la setmana passada. Jo vaig anar amb el meu club de gimnàstica perquè nosaltres també teníem una competició. Aquesta competició era només per aquell país però l’associació volia convidar a un equip estranger, i aquest equip érem nosaltres.
Per ells, nosaltres érem el millor club que coneixien de Espanya.
En aquest viatge, nosaltres fèiem un canvi amb les gimnastes, i a l’estiu elles vindrien a Espanya.
Finlàndia per mi, és molt bonica i relaxant, però el problema és el temps perquè es molt fred.
Moltes familiars tenen una sauna a casa.


Jo vaig viatjar a Mèxic fa 3 anys. Va ser el primer cop que jo vaig volar per sobre de l’oceà Atlàntic. Jo vaig anar amb la meva família per vacances. Jo volia anar a Mèxic des de que tenia 9 anys, i la meva mare li agrada el temps de calor en comparació amb el fred. Jo vaig celebrar el 19 de Desembre el meu aniversari.


I think my oral presentation was interesting and original. This topic was different to the others students. I thought I could do this topic because, now I knew better my  classmate. I hope my oral presentation liked them. I was talking about many experiences and funny things in my travels.
I divided this project in seven parts. Each one is about one country that iIve visited.
So, I think my oral presentation isn’t bored because
I wrote on the blackboard the most difficults words so they could understand very well my exposition when I explained it.

I shown them three o four photos for every country.
I know I read sometimes, but I think, I made a gook oral presentation.
In this oral presentation I used a power point because it’s nicer and more practical.
I think my project was complete.

diumenge, 20 de novembre del 2011

THE FILM: Twilight

Isabella Swan (Bella) moves from Phoenix to rainy Forks, a little and rainny village to lives with her father, Charlie. She chooses to do this so that her mother, Renée, can travel with her new husband, Phil Dwyer, who is a minor league baseball player.
Bella knows many people in her new school. Her bestfriends are Angela, Jessica, Mike, Tyler, Eric and Jacob, her friend when she was younger.
Bella is intrigued by a mysterious group of siblings known as the Cullens. She, in biology class, sits next to Edward Cullen and they make friends, but Bella sees that Cullen's family are very extrange.
One day, Bella and her bestfriends go to the beach, La Push, in this beach found Jacob, he tell.s Bella a legend of his local tribal, the history of vampires and wolves. After that Bella discovers Edward and his family are a vampirs. Then Bella tells Edward that and Edward tells she, the Cullens family vampires only drinks animal's blood. Edward and Bella falling in love.
One day, Edward's family and Bella play baseball, then another vampires arrive.They can see Bella isn't like them. They see Bella is an human.One of them will follow Bella and Edwrd's family protect her.So, the problem begin for Bella and Edward. Finally, the bad vampire find Bella and attack her. In that moment, arrive Cullen's family and kill him, they can save Bella , and the story will continue.

NEW: F.C.Barcelona - Zaragoza 4-0

Yesterday, the Guardiola's team won an easy match. The Aguirre's team was quite poor in his attack. The Barça team could make many goals, but Roberto, the Zaragoza's goalkeeper had a good match.
Barça thrashed Zaragoza four nil.
Piqué, Messi, Puyol and Villa scored the goals.
The Zaragoza team intented an agressive play, but de Barça team shooted many times and Robert was a wall.

NEW: Three deads and one disappeared in Castellon because their car has been crawled by the running water

The emergency teams is looking for a child. He is 6 years old.

Three persons of the same family have dead, and a child is disappeared.
Yesterday their car was crawled by the running water in the river “Seco” in Onda, a village near Castellon.
It happened at 17.30 hrs but the car founded at 19 hrs.
The deads are the driver, a woman (40 years), her father (81 years) and her mother (78 years).

These last days, the rain has been very strong in Castellon and Valencia and the firefighters work very hard. They must help many persons in the houses, other in the cars.

NEW: “SPUTNIK” says good bye to R.E.M

Sunday, 20th of November
The musical group R.E.M has announced the end of their career. They have been together for more than three decades (31 years).

This Sunday, the musical programme “SPUTNIK” in TV3,  offers a special news of the group during these years, because the BBC cannal had historical archives of them.

R.E.M. was a rock group with four musicians. The singer Michael Stipe, the guitarist Peter Buck, the bass musician, Mike Mills and on drums Bill Berry.
They had published 15 albums. They began in Athens (Georgia, in 1981). Their music was post-punk, pop, and traditional american music.

The best song was “Losing my religion”. They sold more than 26 milions of copies.


Adrian Mole's book and the film “Thirteen” are examples about teenager's problems.

Adrian Mole's book the main character is Adrian Mole. Adrian is a child, he has many problems with his family because his parents are separated, and also he has problems with one big child, Barry Kent. This child hits Adrian a lot of times because Barry wants his money. Adrian also has more problems with his friend, Nigel, because Nigel steals his love, Pandora. Adrian looks after an old man. His name is Bert Baxter. Adrian helps him in all things. Adrian has a difficult life, but he fights for a new good life, and he gets it.

In contrast, in the film “Thirteen” the main character is Tracy. She is a good girl, her life is very nice, she has a good marks in school and she goes with a good friends. She is a good daughter for his parents. She is well manered and correct. But she has only one problem in her life, her parents problem, because they have a divorced. But Tracy, this problem is supperatefor her. One day, she looks in the school, the best popular girls, and she decides change her look, and her actitud. She goes with Evie, the most popular girl in the school, Evie teaches Tracy a lot of new things, she steals, escapes from her house, smokes, goes in the night to parties, gets pearcing, drinks alcohol, takes drugs, wears a provocate clothes, makes up, kisses a lot of boys, and more bad things. She begins to insult her family, so she begins has very bad marks in school. As a general rule, her actitud is very bad. And then, her family don't know what to do.
Finally, her family helps her, and she changes a little.

The two histories are different but some things are similar. The first history “Adrian Mole”, he begins his history very bad. He is an unfortunate boy. Adrian fights against his problems and his life changes for good.
The second history “Thirteen”, ata the beginning Tracy's life is nice. She is a very good girl, and then when she wants to be a popular girl as Evie, this life changes and she has a revel girl. She has then a bad life.

Probably, all people has problems in the life. You must be strong and learn of your mistakes, so you must fight agains bad things and you'll get be happy.


My gymnastic club travelled to Finland by plane. The trip was from the 27th to the 30th of October. We left Spain and we flew to Turku, because the competition was there. It was a Finland gymnastic competition. A few months ago, the organization invited us because they had been in Figueres two years ago. They thought that we were one of the best gymnastic club in Spain.
Our club travelled with two groups, in each of them, there were eleven girls. One group was the 10 to 12 years old and the other group was the 14 to 16 years old.
When we arrived at Turku, we all stayed with a Finnish family house. It was an exchange of gymnasts. The first day we were trainning the whole day.It was very hard.

Then arrived the most awaited day, Saturday 29th, the day of de competition. It began at 8 o'clock.
When we arrived to the sport's center, we combed our hair us and put on our make-up. Then we dressed and started to train.
The coaches explained us the last details. We were very nervous and I felt a big emotion to be there. A few minutes later, a voice said our name “Club Gimnastica Rítmica Gemma”. They said our names: Natalie, Mireia, Marta, Ester and Elia. We went to the stage. The moment had arrived.

The music began, and we started the exercice. We were very sure and we thought that we made a very good exercise, but in the second minute a ball fell on the floor. It wasn't a problem. We continued much better. People applauded.
After the exercise we celebrated it. Our coaches congratulated us. I was very happy because the exercise went well and I thought we would have a good position. I felt very happy. After the competicion, I was quiet and relaxed.

dissabte, 8 d’octubre del 2011


Alina Kabaeva is a gymnast. She was born in Tashkent (Uzbekistán), in 1983. Her nickname is Lina. 
She began to practise rhytmic gymnastics when she was three years old. 
Her coach took Alina and her family to Moscow, in Russia. There, she learnt a lot.

In 1997, she succeded like a professional gymnast. She won a lot of first medals in many championships. Only one time she made a serious mistake, the circle went out of the tapestry. For this reason, she lost the Gold, she won the second place.

In 2001, Alina participed in the Madrid championship, the medical control said that Alina was doping. She won the Gold but she lost it because she was eliminated. The I.G.F (Internacional Gymnastics Federation) told her, that she couldn't compete for 2 years.
For a long time, she won height, and finally she decided to pay the I.G.F a lot of money, and then she could compete again.

Alina went to the European championship in Granada, and she won the Gold. After she went to world championship in Budapest, and she got a good position to go to the Olympic Games.


In the morning, we went to London to go shopping. 
I bought presents for my family and for me. 
One shop that surprised me, it was the M&M.

·FRIDAY 29th

This day was the last in the school. In the class we played games and ate chips and sweets. 
 The teachers and the students organised a party.


We saw off my new friends. But I cried for my Italian friends because they are very special to me. 
We came back to Spain and I saw Catalan friends too.
I miss them.


·MONDAY 25th

I got up early because we went to class but only in the morning. 
The rest of the day we didn't go to class, because the boy students had a basketball match. 
The winners were the Catalan group. The present was a pizza. 
This day we went to bed very late because we celebrated the victory.


In the morning we were very tired. In class, I was almost asleept. We ate a rotten chicken for lunch. It was very bad. We thought that the chicken had been cooked the last week. In the evening, everybody went to the bathroom many times.


In the morning, we had class in the school, but in the afternoon we went to visit  "the London eye". It was very beautiful, and the views of the landscape were spectacular. I thought the London eye was faster. When it was finished we took a photo. This photo was another memory.


· THURDAY 21th

This day was very similar to the day before. 
We went to school early and I played tennis with Marco.

· FRIDAY 22th

We went to the city, London. 
We visited many interesting things but the best for me was the Big Ben. 
We ate a picnic. The food was very bad. There was a bag for everyone with sandwich, water, chips and fruit.


We stayed in the campus all day. 
I got up at 11:00 am.
I went to have lunch leisurely. 
This day was a relax.

·SUNDAY 24th

We got up early because we went on a tour again, but this day we visited a castle. It was very beautiful. A guide explained the history of this castle. It was interesting.  
We returned to the campus at six o'clock.


· MONDAY 18th 

I got up at 9:00 am. 
The teachers got all the students together because we had a test exam. So, the teachers knew the level of each student. 
After we did the exam, we played football and we could do other games more.


I got up early because we had to go to school. 
The teachers divided the students in five groups. In my class we were twelve students. My teacher's name was Ben. He was a good teacher. 
I met three Italian boys (Enrico, Marco and Franchesco), they were nice persons and they were funny too.


I went to school too. Every day we went to school except on Saturday and Sunday.
I presented my Italian friends to Catalan people. 
Every day we ate (breakfast, lunch, dinner...) in the diningroom campus unless we went on a tour.

dijous, 6 d’octubre del 2011


In England I stayed for two weeks. 
I travelled to England on Saturday 16th of July and I came back to Spain on Saturday 30th of July.

For me it was a good time outside of my home.


I met other catalan students at the airport in Barcelona, because they were in the same agency where I was. We flew together to London, the flight lasted 3 hours. 
When we arrived to the campus in the Cambridge University. The director gave us the keys of our rooms. They  were in the same flat.


We visited all the campus. 
At that moment in the campus stayed only my group and a french group. 
We went to a comercial center. It was near the campus. 
After we played a game of cards to get to know each other. 
I went to bed early because the next day the school started at nine o'clock.

dimarts, 4 d’octubre del 2011


Guess what I did this summer.

I went to England in July. I had thought about going to England because I wanted to stay in a residence and I wanted to learn English very well. However I discovered that in the residence you don't learn very well, whereas in a house with a British family, you can learn a lot. 

Our residence was in Medway. It's a city in the south of London. Its name was "Cambridge University". There we slept in apartaments and the school was inside "the campus". The travel agency was "Sheffield Center". I flew with another students and a teacher/guide. She stayed with us every day. It was perfect because the teacher/guide was young, she was 23 years old, so we did a lot of crazy things.

In London, I met a lot of people. I met Catalan students (Mireia, Cesc, Ramon, Adrià, Arnau, Roko, Genís, Ferran, Lluís...) and I met students from other countries (Enrico, Marco, Lorenzo, Andrea, Franchesco, Lui, Ben, Tom...). They were nice persons.

The first day, we did an English test and they put us in five groups. It depended on our level in English. We were twelve students in my class. Most  of them were italian. My teacher's name was Ben. He was a good teacher and was very friendly with us.

Consequently, next year when I'll be sixteen, I would like to go to London too, but I'll stay in a British family's house.

It was a very good experience.


Hello Milco!

My name is Èlia Carreras López.
I’m fifteen years old, but on 19th of December I’ll be sixteen. I’m the youngest in the class.
I live in Empuriabrava (Castelló d’Empúries), I lived in Roses before, but when my brother was born my parents decided to live in Empuriabrava because they bought a house there. I like Empuriabrava because it is a famous port and we can have a boat or a jetski. In summer it is lots of fun to live here but there are lots of people. In the Emporda we live near nature (Aiguamolls, animals, the sea, the river..), we’re very lucky.
I love my family, my mother helps me, my father protects me, my brother is an angel and my cat is very special for me.
I practise rhythmic gymnastics since I was 7 years old, but I will finish it because this year I have started sixth form and I know it will be hard, so I will study and I will try hard to get good marks. I have chosen scientific subjects. My favourite subject is biology. I like Maths and Science of the earth too. I would like to have a high level in English when I finish high school because it’s really important.
I would like go to the university in Barcelona, if It’s possible.
In the future, I would like to be a very good veterinarian, and I will travel to Australia. 
What more could I wish for? To be happy. :)