dimecres, 6 de juny del 2012

Conclusions of the year

This year is special for me because I learnt English very well. I think that in this course I learnt a lot than the others courses. In E.S.O I didn’t learn English, the teacher taught the introduction of English. But for me these four years is a lot of time to only study the introduction.

I worked a lot during this course. I had many projects, exams, writings and I read many books.

I think that the best activity in this subject is the speaking because the people learnt more than others activities and it is a lot of fun. I hate one activity because I didn’t learn anything, this activity is one part of the presentations, the part of see our school friends because each person has a different level toother people and sometimes they didn’t understand their oral presentations.

I hope that all the activities of this course will be there next year in second of batxillerat because all the activities have been very necessary to learn English.

One problem of this course is who Milco’s off sick because she had an accident and more time we didn’t work correctly but after we recoup the lost time.

I’m very happy of this English’s course because I know that I learnt a lot and I’m feel so good with my work.

divendres, 1 de juny del 2012

Describing places

I've chosen Lodon because the last summer I went there.

London is the capital of England and the capital of Great Britain. 
London is one of the most important cities in the world and this country is possibly one of the best know in the world. 

London is a great point of culture and shopping. A lot of people from around the world go to London to study. 
The most important universities in U.K. is the Oxford University and the Cmbridge University. London is very famous for its parks (Hyde park, Green park, St.James park, Kensington Gardens,...) too. 
The biggest river in London is the River Thomes, it goes through th heart of London. In the river there is an attraction. This attraction called London eye is very famous . It overlooks a very beautiful landscape. 
Another monument that is in the river is the tower bridge. It is a spectacular bridge. The most important monuments in London are the Big Ben, Buckingham Palace,Houses of Parliament...). 
Things that are very famous are: the red bus, the red post box and the rain. 

In five words: London is fun, expensive and excellent.