diumenge, 25 de novembre del 2012

The major of San Fernando finishes his strike of hunger

For 7 days, the mayor of "San Fernando de Henares", Julio Setién has been in a strike of hunger, because he doesn't want the embargoes of 130 flats. These flats belong to 200 families.

Finally, Julio Seitén has finished this strike because the three parts (Bankia, the promotion company and 2 builders.
The mayor denounced that they did it all out of sheer Self-interests.

So, the mayor won the game.

strike of hunger: vaga de fam
embargoes: embargaments
denounce: denunciar


120 persons died, and 100 injured in a fire in a textile factory in Bangladesh

El Periodico - Sunday, 25 November 2012

The newspaper "the Deily Star" that the fire in a textile factory with eight floors.
The factory is "Tazreen Fashion", near Dacca, the capital of Bangladesh.
This fire is one of the worst in this country, althoug no the only fire with more than 100 deads.
The factory had a emergency door but nobody knowed where it was.
The reason is a cut electricity.

injured: ferid o lesionat
textile factory: fabrica tèxtil
cut electricity: tallacircuit

Suicides grow in Greece in a 37%

El Periodico - Thursday, 22 November 2012

The number of suicides in Greece have an increase of 37% between 2009 and 2011.
They had 677 suicides in 2009, (this year began the economic crisi), 830 in 2010, 927 in 2011 and 690 the firsts eight months in 2012.
This country had the tax of suicidis low month but now it isn't so.

There are many factors: social, professional, familiar and individual.
The clinic psychologist "Aris violatzis" says that the crisis helps to develop everything type of problems of salut.

Nowadays, people lives in a negative environment.

This expert man thinks that these are more suicidis, but this terme is very taboo, the Ortodox Church.

increase: augmentar
environment: medi ambient
taboo: cosa prohibida

The tunnel of the wind opens today to the big public and it is almost all full until june 2013

Hora Nova - 19/11/2012

After many years of projections and negotiations, the tunnel of the wind is a reality.

The finality is double. A 30% of the flights hours will be reserved to the people who wants prove.
The experience and 70% will be destinated to trainings of parachutists.

One hour in the tunnel is like 60 jumps from the plane.
The official name is: Windour Real Fly Túnel de vent d'Empuriabrava.
His director is Joan Baldrich.
60.000 persons every year can prove it.

negotations: negociacions
parachutists: paracaigudistes
trainings: capacitacions

Figueres ask for 739.431€ in the help for the fire althoug the fire hadn't arrived to the city

Diari de Girona
Girona - Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Figueres has asked for more that the half of money than the villages burned in l'Emporda the last july.
The council says that in Figueres look as last 739.431'71€. It is because a pipes had burst. This hasn't happened  for the fire directly, but the flames showned, that these pipes were deteriorated for the high temperatures and they are in need of repair.

So, Figueres needs 26.000€ for this pipes, and 700.000 for a new construction called "Bypass" (water network).
The other villages really burred are angry. These villages (la Jonquera, Terrades, Agullana ...) slost 13.000ha in the fire. The Agullana's mayor says that the Figueres council hasn't solidarity. His village was destroyed by fire in 60%, La Jonquera in 90% and Figueres 0%.

The airport grow in the flyes and win passagers (10'4% more than june 2011)

Diari de Girona
Girona - Thurday, 12 July 2012

This is a good new for the airport of Girona and it is praiseworthy because the passagers in the rest of airports in Spain have dropped 1'3%.
It is happened because Ryanair has again more flies from Girona.
During twenty months the passagers had dropped but Ryainair signed a new agreement with the "Generalitat" the last may.
So, Ryanair began to fly to Madrid, Barajas again (this flight was one of the best), but the internationals flies that have begun to hly again, are the most importants in number of passagers (90%).

praiseworthy: tenir mèrit
agreement: conveni
drop: caigut

My joke

Yesterday, in the english classroom was very funny. Because teacher said our that we searched a joke and then we explained it in the class.

Tiziana start with her joke and after Homa so all people of my class explained his joke.

In my view any joke destacated but all jokes was funny or a little funny.

My joke was a little funny. When I had my turn I didn't know what joke I explained, because I had two jokes.

My first joke for tried was this: 

- Mum, mum, in school everybody tells me that I'm confused!
- Hey, kid, this is not your house... you live opposite the street!

And my second joke was this:

A man walks into a bar one day and asks:
- Does anyone here own that rottweiler outside?
- Yeah, I do!- a biker says, standing up. - What about it?
- Well, I think my chihuahua just killed him...
- What are you talking about?- the biker says, disbelievingly. - How could your little runt kill my rottweiler?
- Well, it seems he got stuck in your dog's throat!

Finally I tried for the second joke because my first joke Homa explaines before me the same joke.
For that reason I explained to my friends the second joke. This joke is very curious in the first moment and last people laught a lot.

I hope that you like it!

"We can't life without humour"

Why even the most serious persons finishes by laughing once in their live?

The humour always stay with us. It's into our person, it stays into our body forever life.

All people laugh at minium one time in their life. It's imposible that one person never laughs in his life. 

Even the most serious person in the world finally laughs some times for anything.

Some people work with humour. For example: clowns, in TV programmes, etc.

The humour is healthy and funny. Namely it's good.
Thanks that, we are more positives and we do all things more good.

In conclusion, the humour is a turth friend in our life.

My favourite sport

My favourite sport is rhythmic gymnastics, because I have done this sport since I was 10 years old. To me it is a very elegant and physical sport. I have done it since I was 6 years old. And this year I'm finishing because I think that I'm very old to do it. I'm finishing very happily and I meet it, but now I am going to start new things.

Another favourite sport for me is football because in my house football is the best sport. It is very competitive and hurt. 
My brother plays football a lot in the house, with a group in the school and with his team. My boyfriend plays football too. My dad likes football but he never plays it. My mother has always liked football. When she was little, she went with my grandfather to the Camp Nou.

These are my favourite sports at the moment.

Dreams are magic

Do you believe that the dreams become reality? Do you think they are moments you have lived in the past?
I think so.

There are too dreams about moments you should like to live.
Really, the world of the dreams is very stranger.
A lot of them, are a mix between things you have made, people you have known and desires you have in your life. 

Some nights you dream, anothers nights no. Why? I don't know.

When I dream I can live wonderful moments and another terrorifics. I like when in my dreams I'm flying and so I can see all over. I like too when I'm running very fast and nobody can catch me.
It's fantastic. It looks like real. But, what's the mean of the dreams?
Many people have written books about this, but I'm not sure that it's true.

I prefer think that the dreams are a magic reality.

dimecres, 7 de novembre del 2012

My dream

Hi Elisabet!

My name is Èlia Carreras López. I'm 16 years old. In December, I will be 17. I'm lucky because I have a fantastic family. My parents, my brother and my sweet cat, Kitty.

I'm studing 2nd of batxillerat in Castelló d'Empúries, althoug I'm living in Empuriabrava. I've tried to study it because I have a dram. "I want to a be vet". 

Now I know that this tearm I'm going to fight a lot and to study hard because I would like study veterinary science in the University of Barcelona. The acces note is very high. Really, it's difficult!, I know, but I will put my best effort to earn good grades. I think: "Don't give up on myself".

For me to study vet is my dream. I love animals.

When I was child I had no animals in my house but I loved them and I was always with animals around me.

If this dream is impossible in the first time I would like to have a second chance, but I would like that my dream can be a reality. I won't refuse to give up my dream.

So I will have one challenge in the future, I would like become a vet.

"No one's written my destiny for me" so I will fight for my dream!

And you? Do you fight for your dream?